Meet the Judges
Meet the Judges
The Pan Pac Hawke’s Bay Business Awards is an opportunity for businesses to focus on their business structure, their markets, their channels to market, their digital strategy, their strategic relationships, and their staffing development for a prosperous future.
The process for the awards is only practical and possible with the support of business leaders from a range of industries.
We are pleased to have a strong panel of judges this year, from academia to business management, overseeing the awards for 2024 not only to identify the business leaders but to provide feedback to entrants for the positive development of their business.
We are grateful to Vicki Lawson, partner at PwC Hawke’s Bay as the convenor of judges.
Meet the Judges who will be bringing their industry knowledge and category-specific skill sets to assess this year’s Awards Finalists.
Jimmy Bos, Relationship Manager, Westpac
Mandy Cartwright, Director, HR Consultant Grow HR
Kellie Hamlett, Talent ID
Caleb Hensmen, Partner, Sainsbury Logan & Williams
Michael Hinton, Partner, PwC
Jon Lewin, Senior Counsel, Datacom
Hayden McKee, General Manager Mid-Market IOT, Datacom
Ross McMillan, CFO, Pan Pac
Gareth Mentzer, General Manager, Wool Life
Kimberley Moody, Communications Manager, Pan Pac
Greg Morgan, Group CFO, Unison Networks
Andrew Orme, Director & Lawyer, Lawson Robinson
Kim Parker, Communications and Marketing Manager, Unison Networks
Sarah Press, Senior Relationship Manager, ANZ
Nigel Pollock, General Manager, Downer
Bill Roberts, Economic Development Manager, Napier City Council
Leona Round, ANZ
Neville Smith, Group Financial Controller, Waiapu Care
Andrea Stevenson, HR Director, Baker Tilly Staples Rodway